April 2023
Your deposit return is dependant on you adhering to all of the T&C’s and cleaning as per detailed below.
- Allow for set-up and cleaning up in your booking times; specify exact arrival and departure times to ensure your booking covers the time you use the space (not just the time of your activity or events other people may be booked either side of you)
- PLEASE DO NOT ACCESS THE CAFE KITCHEN OR SEATING AFTER IT IS CLOSED. YOUR BOOKING DOES NOT INCLUDE ACCESS TO ANY PART OF THE CAFE. The booking for the hub is for the hub room and toilets only. The cafe is not to be used.
- We would respectfully ask that you refer to the information folder in the kitchenette or contact the emergency contact via the number in the folder rather than approach café staff. They will not have any further information than what is in the folder.
- For a one off event invoice will be sent at time of booking and payment required within 7 days. Payment by Stripe and BACS.
- For regular event/activity, you will be invoiced monthly in advance. Payment by BACS at least 7 days before the beginning of the month
- Cancellation for one off events must be made 14 days before the event. If cancellation is made within 14 days the hire will still be chargeable. If your booking has to be cancelled by us, a full refund will be given
- Cancellation for regular events is required with 1 month notice
- Long term bookings are reviewed every 3 months to ensure the centre is delivering the most appropriate services to the community
- Invoices are due in 7 days; a charge maybe made for late payment
- Once a booking has been made your details will remain on our files for future bookings or communication
- Read the Centre’s Fire Safety Instructions on display in the entrance corridor. NO COMBUSTIBLES allowed in building. If the fire alarm sounds exit the building by the fire door in the hub or via one of the fire doors off the café area
- Anything other than normal domestic birthday cake candles will set off the smoke alarm so please no indoor fireworks or cake fountains!
- If you are using the building after the café is shut, keep the front door locked. Only let into the building those people coming to your event/activity
- You are responsible for the safety of the people in your group whilst in the building. Be vigilant during your stay and inform the emergency contact if you see any suspicious behaviour
- We do not tolerate inappropriate behaviour, bad language or discrimination. If any of the conditions are breached, a person or persons may be asked to leave the premises
- No smoking in or around the building
- Your group should not congregate in or outside of the Hub as it may need to be accessed by other users. At busy times, we may not be able to accommodate big groups in the café- please bear this in mind if you have a large booking and plan to use the café after your activity
- A named adult must be on site for any activity for people under 18
- You are responsible for security while in the building. You may wish to conduct your own risk assessments and take out liability insurance as appropriate
- All electrical items you bring onto the premises must be safe and PAT tested
Report any faulty equipment to the Community Hub Manager immediately
- Leave the Hub how you would like to find it. Cleaning equipment is in the kitchenette and storage cupboard
- Please ensure kitchenette is cleaned and everything washed up and packed away. Please sweep floors before leaving.
- Please take your rubbish home- we do not have bins in the building
- Store cupboard should be left tidy and ready for the next group
- A refundable deposit of £50 will be added to your booking
- NO Blu tac, sellotape or other sticky application to be attached to walls
- Please DO NOT leave rubbish behind take it all with you
- Please put all chairs and tables back in the cupboard tidy as you found them
- Please leave the kitchenette clean and tidy as you would wish to find it
- Any children are the responsibility of the party organiser and Park Life cannot take responsibility for their welfare or safety